How Can “Local People” Manage the Economy?

PROUT says the economy should be controlled by local people. But the art of running businesses successfully and the science of economics require particular skills and expertise; how can we expect “local people” to manage it?

“Localisation” is a popular term among those who are looking for an alternative to capitalism. PROUT’s concept of localisation has several important aspects to it.

Firstly, any society, big or small, needs people of various capacities and competence for it to develop in a balanced way. PROUT suggests that human resources initially be particularly allocated wherever localities have suffered from a brain drain in the past. It is the job of policy makers to see to it that persons of sufficient social, cultural, economic and other calibres deem it profitable to take up residence and occupation in local areas.

Secondly, PROUT’s concept of nuclear revolution aims at promoting individual value-shifting in localities. PROUT goes for a bottom-up approach and not top-down imposition. This approach involves various forms and systems of public education and empowerment.

PROUT’s decentralised economic approach generates agro-based or “agro-near” societies where each and every citizen will love and like to live in closer proximity with their actual life resources. Overall, PROUT aims to liberate and renew people’s lifestyle-choices and career paths in general. What is typical today will be marginal tomorrow just as the norm of the future may not be recognised today.

The present centralisation of economic power and know-how will be a thing of the past when people with all sorts of competences and capacities will prefer to live their lives “out there” instead of inside the machinery of capitalism.

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Copyright PROUT Globe 2011

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